Managing EV charger installs has never been easier

Payaca's tailored solutions for the evolving EV charger installation sector.

EV charger on wall

Automate processes to operate at maximum efficency

Dedicated tools for the unique demands of EV installations.

Custom EV Charger Proposals

Create detailed, client-specific proposals for various EV charger types.

  • Include options for different charger models and installation sites.
  • Offer package deals for installation and maintenance services.
  • Highlight energy savings and environmental benefits.
EV charger in road

Efficient Installation Scheduling

Plan and execute EV charger installations with precision.

  • Automate scheduling for streamlined installation timelines.
  • Track installation progress and manage on-site teams effectively.
  • Utilise real-time updates for constant project oversight.
EV being charged

Client Communication & Support

Build strong client relationships with excellent communication.

  • Customisable client portals for updates and information exchange.
  • Gather client feedback to improve service offerings.
  • Offer educational resources about EV charging benefits.
EV parked and being charged